鹰之路 is a guided approach to supervision to help undergraduate student workers reflect upon, 识别, 开发, 并阐明他们的职业抱负. Through intentional and on-going conversations with supervisors, students can better connect academic and co-curricular experiences with the 技能 they are gaining in their student employment role. Guided by the nine essential professional competencies expected of new college graduates, 鹰之路 helps students translate 技能 they are learning in work study jobs to the world of work after graduation.  

The 鹰之路 program began as an initiative within the 学生事务处 and has since expanded to other areas on campus.

To learn more about 鹰之路 (and if it might be a fit for your area),

联系 eaglepath@markandlynsey.com


鹰之路 involves supervisors and students having brief, intentional conversations each semester.

每学期, supervisors are asked to have two conversations with student employees to discuss goals & reflect on progress towards the competencies most relevant to their work

At the end of the spring semester, supervisors are asked to complete an online "年终" report to document their students' progress and participation in the 鹰之路 program. 这份报告可以在这里找到.



鹰之路 Supervisor资源

请使用 此工作簿 as a guide with student employees as they complete the 鹰之路 program. 


  1. What are you learning in this job that is helping you in your academics?

  2. What are you learning in class that you can apply here are work?

  3. 看看能力列表, can you share two examples of 技能 you are 开发ing in this job that you think you will use in your chosen profession?

  4. 看看能力列表, which do you feel are your areas of strength? 你想进一步发展哪个? 你最喜欢用哪个?



新鹰路径或感兴趣的复习? We will be presenting an overview of the 鹰之路 program and reviewing the 鹰之路 Workbook for any supervisor interested in learning more. We will also review the general 鹰之路 timeline and answer any questions you might have. We would be grateful if department heads would give time for Supervisors to attend. 请电子邮件 eaglepath@markandlynsey.com 为了得到下一次训练的邀请. 

For a recording of the last 鹰径主管培训, please email eaglepath@markandlynsey.com,索取副本.


请鼓励您的学生参加! This session is designed to provide an overview of 鹰之路 to any student employee who is new to the program. We’ll discuss the goals of the program and introduce the workbook.  If this is not during your student workers’ scheduled work hours, Human 资源 allows students who attend this session to be paid for this hour. 请电子邮件 eaglepath@markandlynsey.com 为了得到下一次训练的邀请. 

For a recording of the last 新生入职培训, please email eaglepath@markandlynsey.com,索取副本.


This session is designed for 鹰之路 supervisors to check in with the 鹰之路 Steering Committee to discuss how Eagle Path is working in your department. This will be a time for supervisors to share opportunities and discuss 的想法 for future 鹰之路 trainings, suggest ways 鹰之路 can better support supervisors and students and potentially identify additional resources that may be helpful to both supervisors and students, 收集关于新学生练习册的反馈.  提供午餐.

请电子邮件 eaglepath@markandlynsey.com if you are interested in joining the 鹰之路 Advisory Board. 




"鹰之路 provides me with the opportunity to meet and chat with my students regularly. 我发现学生们非常渴望分享经验. They understand how important it is to be “职业生涯 Ready” and that we’re here to support them."
